We are committed to promoting children’s welfare and safeguarding
The Royal School for the Blind Liverpool is committed to promoting children’s welfare and safeguarding children. We expect all staff, governors, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment and maintain a safe environment.
The school seeks to works in partnership with families and other agencies to improve the outcomes for children who are vulnerable or have additional needs.
Royal School for the Blind ensures children learn in a safe, caring and enriching environment. Children are taught how to keep themselves safe, to develop positive and healthy relationships, and how to avoid situations where they might be at risk.
All staff are highly trained in identifying Safeguarding issues and this training is refreshed yearly or more frequent as and when needed. The school follows all statutory guidance in the Keeping Children Safe in Education.
If you feel you need to report any concerns speak to the designated staff. Alternatively you can send any concerns to
If you would like any further information, please download our Child Protection policy here.
”Some useful links:
Safeguarding Information for Children and Families
Safeguarding Resource Hub
A free hub of national safeguarding resources to empower children, young people and all adults supporting them.
Safeguarding Resource Hub
Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership
Liverpool SCP is made up of a Strategic and Decision Making Group and a number of Sub Groups responsible for undertaking
and overseeing work streams of the Board with membership representing the breadth of agencies working with children and young people.
Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership
Liverpool Safeguarding Children Partnership Board resolution escalation procedure
Little Digital Helps Toolkit
This resource allows you to fill in a few questions about your child’s digital habits and enables you to receive a tailored toolkit to help keep them safe on connected devices.
ADHD Foundation
The ADHD Foundation works in partnership with individuals, families, doctors, teachers and other agencies to improving emotional well-being, educational attainment, behaviour and life chances.
Advanced Solutions
Advanced Solutions Community Network encourages, equips and empowers children, young people and their families living with neurodevelopmental conditions, learning difficulties and associated mental health needs.
Childline – 08001111
The helpline is accessible, 24 hours a day and free from all networks, to children and adults with concerns about children.
Liverpool CAMHS
Liverpool CAMHS promotes the mental health, emotional wellbeing of all children, young people and their families/carers.
Liverpool CAMHS
NHS 111
Where trained health professionals can give you health advice and information 24 hours a day. Telephone 111
NHS – 111
National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children -Every child is worth fighting for.
NSPCC online safety advice
Operation Encompass
Operation Encompass is a partnership between police and schools, a school can only join if the local police force has already joined Operation Encompass.
Operation Encompass
We are a operation Encompass school Click here to read the letter to parents
Liverpool Parent and Carers Forum (LivPaC) is a group of parents and carers of children and young people with special additional needs and/or disabilities (SEND). We aim to give parents and carers a collective voice and use our experience, knowledge, and feedback from families to help commissioners and providers plan and develop the quality, range and accessibility of services families use.
‘Alone we can do So little. BUT together we CAN do so MUCH’
- Our Virtual Coffee Sessions our jointly held with our friends from The Isabella Trust (Guest speakers from all services)
- Webinars with therapist and The Isabella Trust
- Peer to Peer support for families
- If families would like to book a place then they will need to email us at [email protected]
- Twitter: @LivPaCL8
- Instagram:- livpac
Merseyside Domestic Violence Service, MDVS
MDVS have adapted our existing work to reach more people during this crisis. Our working hours are ever changing to meet the needs and demand of those in need of urgent support. re continuing to support victims of domestic violence across the board, we are also continuing our work with male perpetrators through phone contact, Zoom groups and WhatsApp video calls. MDVS are providing the following support.
MDVS are operating Monday to Friday days each week from 9am to 10pm and have 2 staff on call on weekends.
We can accept referrals for individuals aged 16 years and upwards.
- Delivering weekly food parcels for 30 families
- Providing Tablet Devices for families to assist with communicating and contact
- Support and safety planning with male and female victims of domestic violence via phone and video call
- Group work and 1 to 1 work with female victims and survivors of domestic violence held weekly
- Group work and 1 to 1 work with male perpetrators held 3 times per week
Main contact number – 07802 722 703
Evening and Weekend contact number (after 5pm) 07802 722 703 / 07780 948 890
Main email – [email protected]
Positive Futures
Positive Futures is a charitable organisation based in North Liverpool. We work with young people aged 8 to 24yrs and their families giving them access to support, guidance, 1:1 support and opportunities.
Our Family Support Service is available to those who are looking after a young person currently working with our Targeted Support Team. Our dedicated Family Support Worker works closely with multi-agencies on a wide range of issues to improve the emotional wellbeing of parents, carers and young people. Together with the Targeted Support Service our Family Support Service can create a pathway of support and advice for a better way of life for all of the family.
Positive Futures are here to support both young people and families through this difficult time. If you know of someone who would benefit from the support of Positive Futures please email details through to [email protected] or call 0151 207 6003
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead and Deputy Safeguarding Leads.
See our full Safeguarding team Here

Andrew Bainbridge
Designated Safeguarding Lead

Vicki Dwyer
Safeguarding Responsibilities

Amanda Boyle
Safeguarding Responsibilities

Jo Espley
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead

Graham Sinden
Nominated Safeguarding Governor

Linda Hogan
Safeguarding responsibilities

Faye Nettleton
Safeguarding Responsibilities