The Primary Curriculum is organised based on EQUALs and is taught through a range of specially planned themed programmes which take into account the individual VI and other needs of the children.
A multi-sensory approach is used across the department, allowing children to utilise their functional vision and other senses to explore and enquire about the resources provided. Where appropriate access to PRIOR pre-braille and braille would be introduced during each individual’s timetable.

All the classroom bases have been designed to further support and enhance the curriculum with VI specific resources and assistive technologies to engage the children in exciting and stimulating experiences. All children have access to the subject specific classrooms for Food Technology, PE, swimming and sensory sessions.
Wherever possible we provide a range of outside experiences for pupils, whether this be within the planned curriculum sessions or for breaks and walks. Offsite educational trips occur within the curriculum timetable to further support and enhance the learning experience.