Children from 2-4 years
Our early years department consists of a foundation stage two class. The early years base is inclusive, catering for children from 2-5 years and specialises in a spectrum of sensory impairments including Visual and Profound and Multiple Disabilities.
Please see our admissions policy on applying for a place at Teddy’s nursery and how to apply for a school placement at the Royal School for the Blind.
We also run a stay and play group every Friday morning for children aged 0-5 specialising in children with additional needs. For details, please contact school reception.

Early Years at The Royal School for the Blind & Teddy’s Nursery
At RSB (Teddy’s Nursery) we recognise that no two students are alike. Our Early Years Department is committed to developing positive learning environments for each individual child according to their needs and abilities. We maintain a high staff-to-student ratio, with some children in one-on-one environments and others in small groups, depending on children’s optimal learning environments. Our ‘core values, purpose’ and ‘envisioned future’ is a collaboration and partnership between staff, parents, multi agencies, the children’s council, governors and trustees.
At RSB (Teddy’s Nursery) we work closely with multi agencies in or outside of Liverpool (comprising of speech and language therapists, occupational therapist and Educational Phycologists) to ensure that individual child’s needs are being met. Early Help Assessment Tool meetings (EHAT’s) are set up and continually monitored throughout the child’s Early Years and our staff work closely alongside parents to start Educational Health Care Plan’s (EHCP’s) to begin their processes.
What is the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)?
The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) is a framework that sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five years old. All schools and Ofsted-registered Early Years providers must follow the EYFS. The framework supports an integrated approach to early learning and is designed to be flexible so that staff can follow each child’s unique interests and needs. It gives professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare. The Statutory Framework can found by accessing the link below:
Early adopter schools: EYFS framework – GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Our Aims
To ensure that the safety and happiness of each child is of the greatest importance.
To meet the educational, physical, social, and spiritual needs of children & young people locally/ regionally/ nationally who live with multiple disabilities and visual impairment.
To provide a safe, child-centred and fun, learning environment appropriate to each individual child.
To ensure an excellent staff to child ratio with all relevant multi-sensory resources.
To encourage children to further, explore and understand their world and enable them to communicate their responses.
To identify every child’s needs and encourage all to reach their full potential and develop independence skills for life.
Our Principles
At RSB (Teddy’s) we are guided by the four principles on which the framework is based, these being:
A Unique Child
Positive Relationships
Enabling Environments
Learning and Development
From the early years, pupils are provided with opportunities to control features of their environment. Self-help skills are nurtured and as children move through school and environments
which reduce dependency are fostered. At RSB (Teddy’s Nursery) we recognise that every child is a unique child, who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured. We understand that children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships. We recognise that children learn and develop well in enabling environments, in which their experiences respond to their individual needs and there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents and/or carers and most importantly that children develop and learn in different ways.
Most of our children within our Early Years department require a more structured approach to learning and we aim to provide a balance between adult-led play based activities and create opportunities for child initiated learning.
The four themes that underpin the Early years Foundation Stage curriculum are:
Unique Child
All our children develop at different rates, have different interests, and experience the world in unique ways.
We also recognise that our children come with a diverse range of needs and to meet these requires a creative and innovative approach to teaching and learning.
Positive Relationships
We believe that good self-esteem and confidence enables positive and successful learning.
All adults provide a consistent and positive learning environment. This gives our pupils the emotional security in which to develop the confidence to explore who they are and the world in which they live.
Enabling Environments
Children learn and develop successfully in environments that give them the time, skills, space and materials to play, investigate and explore.
The environment plays a key role in supporting and extending children’s development and learning
Our school is also supported by a multi-disciplinary team of specialists that complement, support and extend learning already taking place within the classroom.
Learning and Developing
Through a range of specialist approaches and teaching and learning strategies, the needs of our pupils are met which enables them to achieve and reach their full potential.
We also foster the Characteristics of Effective Learning:
- Playing & Exploring
- Active Learning
- Total Communication
- Sensory Integration